Helmut Bester (Lunch Seminar Economics) | Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche

Helmut Bester (Lunch Seminar Economics)

18 novembre 2021 12:30 - 13:30
evento online
Helmut Bester, Freie Universität Berlin
Seminari di dipartimento
Persona di riferimento: 
Raffaele Fiocco, raffaele.fiocco@unibg.it
Strutture interne organizzatrici: 
Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche

Lunch Seminar Economics (LSE) - 2021/2022

Interviene: Helmut Bester, Freie Universität Berlin

Link aula virtuale Teams

Title: Fairness and Competition in a Bilateral Matching Market

Authors: Helmut Bester

Abstract: This paper analyzes fairness and bargaining in a dynamic bilateral matching market. Traders from both sides of the market are pairwise matched to share the gains from trade. The bargaining outcome depends on the traders' fairness attitudes. In equilibrium fairness matters because of market frictions. But, when these frictions become negligible, the equilibrium approaches theWalrasian competitive equilibrium, independently of the traders' inequity aversion. Fairness may yield a Pareto improvement; but also the contrary is possible. Overall, the market implications of fairness are very different from its effects in isolated bilateral bargaining.